Posts tagged Pentecost
Happy Pentecost!

Dear friends,

Happy Pentecost! After a week of retreat with lots of sun (and sisters gardening), the Holy Spirit seemed to descend outdoors in the form of a gentle rain, making all things new and green.

We’ve posted this before, but think it’s worth a repeat—here is a fr. Andé Gouzes O.P. piece celebrating the Holy Spirit, God’s love and breath.


As we all know, breathing is essential to our life as humans. Taking a deep breath can help us relax, enjoy a beautiful day, enter more deeply into prayer. Conversely, not breathing fully can make us feel anxious, panicked and tense. Especially this year, when the idea of being near to another person and their breath may cause fear or alarm rather than a sense of consolation, it is interesting to reflect on verses in Scripture that recall God’s nearness to us in this way (e.g. Genesis 2:7, Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 20:19-22). He in whom we “live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28) is closer to us than our own breath—and, just as every breath we take nourishes our heart and body with oxygen, “God’s love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us” (Romans 5:5) can continuously nourish us with the quiet peace and hope of His Presence.

Stay well, dear friends. We continue to pray with you and for you.